Monthly Archives: August 2012

Posh-te (Annona scleroderma) a Delicious Rare Fruit

Family: Annonaceae. Common Name: Posh-te. Native to Central America. Delicious fruit about 3.5 inches in diameter. The hard thin shell turns almost black when the fruit is ripe. Flesh is sweet, soft and aromatic and delicious; equal to better cherimoyas. Small to medium tree with glossy 6 to 7 inch long leaves. Trees take 4 or 5 years to bear. This species is native to lower elevations and I don’t expect much cold tolerance. In the Hilo area fruit typically ripens in the late spring through early summer.  This species is closely related to cherimoya but is a better choice for planting at low elevations in the tropics. Cherimoya is best with cooler temperatures at higher elevations.

Annona scleroderma fruit. Common Name: posh-te